Welcome to Humanity
10 Insights To Finally Get Your Message Heard
by Dr. Fred Moss
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"After writing a best-selling memoir and appearing on over 100 podcasts, I came to the conclusion that I have a voice to be heard and ideas waiting to be shared. So, why not start a podcast of my own and call it “A Spychologist’s Den”? But how to go about it? I had no clue. At a networking event, someone suggested that I read Dr. Fred’s book, Find Your True Voice. When I opened the book, I expected to find a lot of practical tips for novice podcasters in the vein of “Podcasting 101.” Not so! As an accomplished psychologist, Dr. Fred delves deeply into the psychology of finding your personal truth and communicating it. In my opinion, the sentence “Always operate as your authentic self” is the foundation of the entire book. There is not a single chapter that does not mention the word authenticity or authentic. I believe that if you remove the focus on podcasting, this book could be re-published under the title How to Live Your Best Life. After being subjected to massive communist brainwashing for the first 26 years of my life, it took me 47 more years to find my authentic self. Having fully embraced that self, I am now much more effective when interacting with others, but more importantly, I am now living the best part of my life in a state of mind I call ‘The Lightness of Being.’ Dr. Fred’s writing confirmed that I am on the right track rather than living in a self-created wishful fantasy bubble. But wait, there is more! As the book progresses, the reader will find much practical advice on how to be successful in podcasting. The 100 pages of this book are a treasure trove of advice for would-be podcasters as well as all thinking and caring members of the human race."
Jack Barsky
Retired KGB Agent, Retired Executive, Active Author and Speaker
© 2023 Dr. Fred Moss. All Rights Reseved.